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How Did a Job Change Everything For Josh?
April 29, 2019

How Did a Job Change Everything For Josh?

As #autismawarenessmonth closes out, NYSID saw firsthand how “A job can change everything” when Spectrum Designs received the New York State Empire Business Award on Friday, April 26. The agency founders and their growing team of printing and embroidery specialists were honored with the award by Senator Anna Kaplan, for Spectrum’s contributions to the community of Port Washington and the Town of North Hempstead. 

During the event, Jennifer Lawrence and Megan Tatro toured Spectrum’s expanded shop floor, with Preferred Source customers’ apparel being printed on machines funded by NYSID Matching Grants.

Throughout the month of April, #asd awareness promotes inclusion and acceptance, including these stories:

AHRC New York City takes to the skies: https://tinyurl.com/yxsswfes

NYPD raises awareness: https://tinyurl.com/y5c9lrmh