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Meet the Joslin Award COVID Heroes!
October 26, 2020

Meet the Joslin Award COVID Heroes!

NYSID proudly presents its 2020 William B. Joslin Outstanding Performance Award to two individuals who embody exceptional job performance and personal growth working on Preferred Source contracts. 

These two individuals represent the best of what it means to be Employed, Included and Essential working on Services and Products contracts at NYSID Member Agencies

The Joslin Award recipient for Services employment is David Bobbitt from Fedcap Rehabilitation Services, who says that he has “a thing for cleaning”.

This has become a good thing for Fedcap, as David has grown over the years to become a mentor and trainer to about 100 new team members.

David is well regarded for his work at the MTA’s Brooklyn hub, where he’s been instrumental in maintaining a safe workplace in the midst of a pandemic.

Read David’s story and view his award video!

The Joslin award recipient for facility-based employment is Robert Yesse, who works in the Liberty Enterprises production area at Liberty Arc in Amsterdam.

Robert has come into his own over nearly 10 years on the job, taking on more responsibility in the production of chemical supplies and thus earning more in the process. Economic security has helped him move from his parents’ home in the country to an apartment in the city.

This past year, Robert took on even more when Liberty Enterprises became an essential producer of sanitizers and disinfectants that have helped make NYSID customers, including MTA sites, safer from COVID-19.

Robert says that “being able to provide important products to our community makes me feel good.” 

Read Robert’s story and view his award video!

David and Robert were recognized at NYSID's Annual Meeting and Awards Presentation on Tuesday, October 20 in Albany. We congratulate them for overcoming challenges and succeeding in the workplace.