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Stephen Schrauger named a 2012 'NYSID Employee of the Year' for his work at Bates Troy, Inc.
November 19, 2012

Stephen Schrauger named a 2012 'NYSID Employee of the Year' for his work at Bates Troy, Inc.

Stephen has worked at Bates Troy, Inc. - a three-generation commercial laundry business in Binghamton - through a partnership with ACHIEVE and Country Valley Industries. Individuals with disabilities in Broome and Tioga counties have had the opportunity to work on NYSID Preferred Source laundry contracts at the Country Valley production center and at the Bates Troy facility since 2003.

Stephen is employed in the Bates Troy facility, a highly diverse workforce where he is considered part of the team.He is proud of being able to work at many different stations and of having been employed there for 10 years. Stephen received his award during Bates Troy's recognition as NYSID's 2012 'Corporate Partner of the Year' at our Annual Meeting on September 10.